时 间:2019年9月18日,下午10:15-12:00
地 点:武汉光电国家研究中心A301
报告人:张德龙教授 浙江大学物理学系
Nonlinear optics based on molecular vibration spectroscopy has recently been utilized as a contrast mechanism for bond-selective imaging, which provides a unique platform for biology, medicine, and materials science. This talk will focus on the recent advances in stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) and mid-infrared photothermal (MIP) microscopy, and the enabling applications. SRS microscopy provides orders of magnitude faster imaging speed than a conventional Raman microscope, enabling visualization of specific molecular bonds without the need of fluorescent labels. Such advancement enabled SRS imaging to probe fast biological processes such as neuronal action potentials, achieving label-free imaging of single action potential in single mammalian neurons. Meanwhile, the fundamental limitation of SRS sensitivity is the small Raman scattering cross section (10⁻³⁰ cm²/sr). In contrast, infrared absorption cross section is typically 10⁸ larger, providing strong signals. However, conventional IR or FTIR microscopy is limited to dry samples and has poor resolution (5-10 µm). Recently, we developed a novel IR-excitation, visible-light-probe imaging modality, MIP microscopy, to achieve bond-selective infrared imaging with sub-micrometer resolution. MIP microscopy has demonstrated 3D chemical imaging of live cells and organisms, and spectroscopic imaging of intracellular drugs and metabolites. Further development involves interferometry based widefield IR imaging to improve imaging speed and sensitivity. Together, the complimentary natures of Raman and IR spectroscopies provide a powerful imaging platform, enabling broad applications in biological metabolism, pharmaceutical and materials characterization, and spectroscopy studies.
张德龙,现为浙江大学物理学系百人计划研究员,博士生导师。2009年取得中国科学技术大学学士学位。2014年取得美国普渡大学博士学位。之后分别在美国普渡大学和波士顿大学做博士后研究。主要研究方向是基于非线性光学的分子振动光谱成像开发与应用,是中红外光热光谱成像的发明人之一。入选2019年国家海外高层次人才引进计划青年项目。以第一作者或共同一作发表在Science Advances(2篇),Accounts of Chemical Research,Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters(2篇),Analytical Chemistry(2篇)等国际学术期刊。共发表SCI论文24篇,Google引用970余次,h-index为17。另发表1个图书章节。成果申请美国技术专利3项。国际会议口头报告12次(包括受邀报告4次),多次担任国际学术研讨会分子光谱成像技术教学指导。担任Nature Communications,Optica,Review of Scientific Instruments等十余种著名期刊审稿人。成果荣获国际拉曼前沿技术高端论坛(Ramanfest)最佳学术海报一等奖,美国药学科学家协会年会(AAPS)特邀报告旅费资助奖,美国普渡大学研究生最高奖比尔斯兰学位论文奖(Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship),及伊士曼奖金(Eastman Fellowship),梅隆奖(M.G. Mellon Award)等奖项。成果得到美国光学学会(OSA)采访,以及多家国际知名科学媒体报道,包括Phys.org,C&EN News,Advanced Science News,Chemistry World等。