电话 027-87792033-105
手机 18672938518
传真 027-87792034
邮箱 ping_liu@hust.edu.cn
1999 厦门大学化学系 化学 学士学位
2003 中科院福建物质结构研究所 非线性光学 硕士学位
2008 新加坡国立大学化学系 生物物理 博士学位
2007-2008 新加坡国立大学化学系 研究员
2014-2018 北卡州立大学教堂山分校细胞生物与生理系 副研究员
2018-至今 华中科技大学武汉光电国家研究中心 高级工程师
1. K. Jacobson, P. Liu and B. C. Lagerholm, , The lateral organization and mobility of plasma membrane components, Cell, 177, 806-819,2019 (featured article)
2. P. Liu, V. Weinreb, M. Ridilla, L. Bettes, P. Patel, A.M. de Silva, N. L. Thompson and K. Jacobson, Rapid directed transport of DC-SIGN clusters in the plasma membrane, Science Advances, 3, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao1616, 2017
3. P. Liu, M. Ridilla, P. Patel, L. Betts, E. Gallichotte, L. Shahidi, N. L. Thompson and K. Jacobson, Beyond attachment: roles of DC-SIGN in dengue virus infection, Traffic, 18, 218-231, 2017
4. K. Jacobson and P. Liu, Complexity revealed, A hierarchy of clustered membrane proteins, Biophys. J., 111, 1-2, 2016
5. K. Jacobson, L. Betts, P. Liu, M. Ridilla, A. de Silva and N. L. Thompson, Plasma membrane DC-SIGN clusters and their lateral transport: role in the cellular entry of dengue virus, Springer Series on fluorescence, 17, 331-342, 2016
6. P. Liu, X. Wang, M. S. Itano, A. K. Neumann, K. Jacobson and N. L. Thompson, Low copy numbers of DC-SIGN in cell membrane microdomains: implications for structure and function, Traffic, 179-196, 2014.
7. P. Liu, X. Wang, M. S. Itano, A. K. Neumann, K. Jacobson and N. L. Thompson, The formation and stability of DC-SIGN microdomains require its extracellular moiety, Traffic, 13, 715-726, 2012.
8. M. S. Itano, C. Steinhauer, J. Schmied, C. Forthmann, P. Liu, A. K. Newumann, N. L. Thompson, P. Tinnefeld and K. Jacobson, Super-resolution imaging of C-type lectin receptor and influenza hemagglutinin nanodomains on plasma membranes using blink microscopy, Biophys. J., 102, 1534-1542, 2012. (featured article)
9. M. S. Itano, A. K. Neumann, P. Liu, F. Zhang, E. Gratton, W. J. Parak, N. L. Thompson and K. Jacobson, DC-SIGN and influenza hemagglutinin dynamics in plasma membrane microdomains are markedly different, Biophys. J., 100, 2662-2670, 2011
研究项目 I: “用于病毒进入和流出的膜微区的结构和动力学”
研究项目 II: “人体免疫抗体对登革热病毒的中和机理”